Legal news reports that a jury has just awarded $18 million to the family of a child born with a birth injury. According to reports, jurors determined that a hospital was negligent in its conduct towards the mother of the child during the birth of her son. The jury ...
According to statistics, more than 2300 birth injuries occur each month. Several factors may cause difficulties during the delivery process. However, ...
While the majority of pregnancies, labor and births go smoothly, occasionally errors occur and the birthing process does not go as planned. Doctors, ...
Birth Injury Lawsuit Filed Following Difficult Delivery
Legal news reports that a woman has filed a birth injury lawsuit against her obstetrician as the result of alleged medical malpractice. According to ...
Family Of Boy With Cerebral Palsy Wins Jury Verdict
Legal news reports that a Maryland appeals court has upheld a $20.6M award in a birth injury case based on complications that arose during labor and ...