Failing To Diagnose Prenatal Infection May Lead To Birth Injury

Failing To Diagnose Prenatal Infection May Lead To Birth Injury

Ensuring that you receive proper prenatal care is critical to your unborn child's health. In fact, undiagnosed prenatal infections may lead to permanent, debilitating birth injuries. Two common infections present in a mother – chorioamnionitis and Group B streptococcal septicemia may be passed to a newborn if the prenatal diagnosis is delayed.

The failure to properly diagnosis and treat such infections on the part of an obstetrician or other health care worker may be considered negligence, and be grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit where harm occurs. If you have questions about prenatal negligence or believe that your child sustained harm as the result of inadequate prenatal care, consulting with an experienced California birth injury lawyer should be your first priority.

Several known tests exists that can be used to diagnose prenatal infections, which if performed in a timely manner can been used to treat chorioamniotis. The failure to treat such infection may cause physical difficulties, learning disabilities, and even cerebral palsy. Children who develop cerebral palsy may require costly medical care and rehabilitation for a lifetime. Where the condition could have been prevented had adequate medical care been provided, it is important to explore all options to obtain the compensation you deserve.

For more information or if you believe that your child suffered harm due to negligent prenatal diagnosis of an infection, contact the top California birth injury attorneys at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.


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