A recent birth injury lawsuit illustrates the devastating affects that can arise as the result of the failure the diagnose jaundice in a newborn. The medical malpractice lawsuit alleges that the physician, the physician's assistant and the hospital were negligent in overseeing the mother and child following the child's delivery. The child's jaundice went undiagnosed, and developed into kernicterus causing serious brain damage.
Kernicterus is a known risk and often arises when jaundice is not treated promptly and properly. Symptoms of kernicterus include high –pitched cries, fevers, seizures, difficulty waking, and decreased muscle tone Many times, babies with kernicterus may arch their heads back. Some will also develop a fever and a few may even experience seizures as a result of their condition. Left untreated, kernicterus may lead to significant brain damage and hearing loss. In severe cases, death may even be the result.
Health professionals receive training to detect jaundice and help prevent kernicterus from developing. The failure to properly diagnose and treat jaundice may constitute negligence, and be considered medical malpractice.
For more information or if you believe that your child may have suffered a birth injury as the result of medical negligence, please contact the dedicated California medical malpractice lawyers at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.