March 25 marks 2016's National Cerebral Palsy day, a day created to raise awareness concerning issues facing individuals with this neurological disorder. Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term concerning this condition, which affects body movement, muscle coordination and balance. The fact that your child has cerebral palsy may not always be immediately detectable, however early signs of the disorder usually appear before a child reaches the age of three.
The degree which cerebral palsy affects one's life varies. Children with milder forms may suffer from a lack of coordination, difficulty with muscle control and exaggerated reflexes. More severe forms may affect a person's cognitive development, their ability to care for themselves, and may require a lifetime of care.
All of the causes of cerebral palsy are unknown. However, it has been linked to damage to the developing brain, such as what might occur during a difficult delivery. Where a doctor or other medical professional fails to act according to the requisite standard of care and a birth injury such as cerebral palsy occurs, he or she may be held responsible for medical malpractice.
For more information concerning cerebral palsy, or if you believe that your child may have developed this condition as the result of a brain injury at birth, please contact the experienced California birth injury lawyers at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.