While the majority of births are without complication, when birth injuries do occur families may be left with serious questions and concerns about next steps – for the care of their child, both immediate and long-term. The family may be unsure how the injury occurred – whether medical malpractice caused the injury, and next steps to take.
Birth injuries may occur for a variety of reasons, with many resulting in lifelong brain injuries. For example, babies born pre-term have a higher incidence of complications, including oxygen deprivation due to immature lungs. This oxygen deficiency may lead to brain injuries with permanent neurological deficiencies. Additionally, labor and delivery delays and complications may lead to decreased blood flow and oxygen to a baby’s brain, causing an hypoxic ischemic event. Whether unpreventable or as the result of a preventable medical mistake, when babies suffer brain injuries, the results are often catastrophic.
Immediate brain cooling in the hours and days following oxygen deprivation at birth has been found to lessen the severity of an injury. Furthermore, a recent study found that as the child develops, providing these infants and young children an enriched environment, one with opportunities for physical activity, socialization and exploring novel stimuli--helped lessen functional, anatomical and cellular deficits in an experimental model of brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation at birth.
These finding contrast what is often recommended for infants – quiet rooms with little stimuli. The studies showed that over time, those with more consistent exposure to environmental enhancements performed better.
When infants suffer brain injuries at birth, the effects may be permanent. However, medical and other interventions exist that may help improve their quality of life.
For more information, or if you believe your child has suffered a brain injury due to medical medical malpractice, please contact the dedicated California birth injury lawyers at Bostick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.